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Professional Focus  Waterproof and breathable

Porous materials protection solution provider

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"Re Upgrade" Voir ® LCPP solutions

Company news
Voir "Re Upgrade" VOIR ® The LCPP solution supports the next-generation energy liquid cooling system technology 2.0, assists manufacturers in technological iteration and upgrading, and improves safety and reliability.

       Voir "Re Upgrade" VOIR ® The LCPP solution supports the next-generation energy liquid cooling system technology 2.0, assists manufacturers in technological iteration and upgrading, and improves safety and reliability.


1、High pressure waterproof automatic exhaust scheme VOIR ® LCPP-HVENT

       During the process of conveying liquid in the liquid cooling system pipeline, gas will be generated, and the residual gas will create air resistance inside the pipeline, reducing the efficiency of pipeline use (heating and ventilation system increases energy consumption, cold cutting system efficiency decreases), and even causing leakage.

    Voir ® LCPP-HVENT high-pressure waterproof automatic exhaust scheme can quickly eliminate gas and improve pipeline efficiency. Under normal working conditions, the internal pressure of the pipeline is maintained at 300kPa-400kPa. When the pressure is greater than 400kPa, the exhaust does not discharge liquid.



2、 Expansion and drainage scheme VOIR ® LCPP-EDV

       The liquid cooling system (liquid cooled battery packs, liquid cooled containers) quickly removes and cleans up accumulated liquid during abnormal operating conditions, avoiding short circuits and ensuring insulation. The hygroscopic material rapidly expands to several times its own size when encountering water, thereby driving the design valve body component to open and discharge liquid. After discharge, it returns to its initial state. 
      VOIR ® M626A recoverable drain valve product has been widely used in energy liquid cooling systems.


3、Filtration and deionization scheme VOIR ® LCPP-PFD

       By using resin ion exchange method to clean plasma containing chloride ions, sulfate ions, and ferrous sulfate, filtration and purification can be achieved, avoiding the risk of continuous liquid cooling cycle corrosion and quality change, thereby ensuring the continuous reliability of the circulation system.
      VOIR ® VH-GL01 filter deionizer has been applied to hydrogen and lithium electrolyte sequential systems.


4、Moisture absorption injection molding integrated solution VOIR ® LCPP-MAMI

       Add water absorbing resin BR-P type material to the injection molding grade material and fuse it into the injection molding grade composite material.  By designing the injection molding integrated geometric structure, the outer wall maintains strength while the inner wall has moisture absorption function, thereby managing channel humidity.

      Voir 's liquid cooling protection solution engineer:  "  With waterproof and breathable microporous materials, humidity materials, and filtration and adsorption material technology, we can quickly launch innovative solutions in energy liquid cooling systems. Multiple manufacturers have adopted LCPP solutions, all of which have achieved good innovative application value, and we are deeply proud of it .  "


About Voir
      Established in 2009, with a focus on protective solutions for more than 10 years, we adhere to technological innovation, master humidification and humidity control, liquid gas separation, filtration and adsorption technology, waterproof and breathable, pressure management, and humidity management.  We have a material research and development center in Shenzhen. We have launched various solutions and technology products in the field of new energy, electricity, and transmission, including the recently launched LCPP technology solution product for energy liquid cooling systems. For more solution information, visit  www.voir tech. com. cn

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