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Professional Focus Waterproof and breathable
Porous materials protection solution provider
Contact Us
Hotline:+86 400-6136683
Tel:+86 13902629370
Plane:+86 752 2089356/5310980
Q Q:2880301624
Address:Haibao Industrial Zone, Sandong Digital Park, Huicheng District,Huizhou City,Guangdong Province, China
Voir® newly released switch venting valve,pressure balancer or pressure release valve that used for power machinery and pipeline
pipeline newly released by Voir® are welcomed by the manufacturers of heavy lifting machinery and pipe installation.The characteristics of Voir® pressure release valve are as below:connected with outside atmosphere while bidirectional straightway ventilated exceeding the fixed pressure and bidirectional shut or separate in less than the fixed pressure,which ensures to protect the pipe and heavy industry mechanical seal products.Samples and relevant information request,please consult Voir® Science&Technology.Tele:400-6136683.