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+86 400-6136683

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+86 752 2089356/5310980


Address:Haibao Industrial Zone, Sandong Digital Park, Huicheng District,Huizhou City,Guangdong Province, China

The condensation of moisture into water poses a threat to electronic and electrical products, ranging from affecting quality to causing insulation alarms and even disasters due to short circuits. In addition, condensation and fog have a significant impact observation effect. There are many problems and limitations in the application of traditional solutions and materials. With ten years of protective and breathable experience, Warry Technology is tailored to different complex working conditions and environments. Voir propose DeHum ® System protection plan.



Voir ® DeHum-DFII Environmental Perception Protection Scheme

Using the solution product to generate electricity, heat, and remove mist
Infrared light transmittance greater than 90% obstructs other visible light


        DeHum-DFII is suitable for the infrared light transmission area of environmental sensing

devices. When encountering freezing weather, it can quickly eliminate fog through low-pressure

driving heating. Voir ® The material of the solution product is slender, with high transmittance

of infrared light and the ability to block other visible light, making it an ideal defogging material for environmental sensing equipment.




Protective products










           T1-加热膜=厚度 0.1~0.2mm

           T2-光学胶=厚度 0.04mm


透过率:85~90% @ 850~1050nm




工作电压:12~36V DC


Product Features

1. Heating evenly
2. Ultra low square resistance<0.1 Ω, low driving voltage
3. Infrared light transmittance greater than 90%
4. High stability of electric heating cycle
5. Block other visible light
6. Performance superior to traditional technology, environmentally friendly


Installation recommendations


Application advantages


Voir is a leading provider of protective solutions for various outdoor sealing industries that require protection. Warry Technology also provides intensive solutions based on customer product integration, committed to working closely with customers to solve current application problems and future challenges.